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Injury Prevention
Targeted Therapies For Hidden Culprits That Lead To Injury
Minimize Soreness So Your Can Train At Your Best
Performance Optimization
Combining Mobility & Stability Allow You To Train With Optimal Form
movement coaching

Injuries Derail our Goals
Exercise and physical activity are essential to our health, but injuries can seriously derail our goals and dreams.
Movement Coaching Teaches You To Move Correctly
Injuries are so frequent because most of us have never been taught how to move functionally.
What is Biomechanics?
Biomechanics is the study of how our BODY MOVES. When we move the right way (functionally), we prevent injury, recover from training, and we optimize performance.
Muscle mechanix takes these biomenchanics principles and has created a virtual method to teach everyday athletes and active individuals how to move better.
The first step is to learn how to stretch and roll your body (mobility) and learn how to create a solid core foundation (stability) for your body to move from. Muscle Mechanix offer a wide assortment of tutorials & movement coaching to teach you about mobility, stability, recovery, and performance optimization.
Muscle Mechanix Movement Coaching
Take the First Step

Mobility & Stability are the foundational pillars of functional movement
I believe that achieving your life goals and dreams necessitates healthy movement (exercise/
physical activity)
Exercise and physical activity are no longer optional.Our external(muscles/joints), internal (blood,hormones,nutrients), and mental (spiritual/emotional) health requires regular functional movement. Your aspirations require a healthy you.
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